Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The power of the MIND - Conscious and unconscious

Think of this, every thought that reaches your conscious mind, gets transferred to your subconscious mind for filing. This becomes your "hard drive" and your conscious mind draws on it for all the decisions you make. This is done automatically, and often without effort or deliberation.

We all have programming on our hard drive that will stop us from achieving great things. It's a small voice that you can't even hear. You never hear this voice, but it can subconsciously sabotage what you are trying to do nonetheless. You're getting this kind of negative programming, 24 hours a day, seven days a week from the data-sphere (TV, radio, movies, Internet, friends& family). And if you aren't censoring some of these sources, and replacing it with positive counter-programming, the sabotage cycle continues.

But it can be stopped . . .

Here is Nik Haliks story -

I recall when I was 11 years of age, my father sat me down for an incredibly gloomy talk. 'Son, you wear glasses, you have chronic asthma and you are failing mathematics. How on earth do you still want to train and become an astronaut' True Story...My boyhood astronaut dreams were shattered.

In my lateryears, I de-programmed these negative thoughts with continual positivecounter-programming and dreamt and lived for the day of going to Russia to fulfill my astronaut dreams. I just wished my father had been alive to witness what I, Nik Halik, his son achieved in Space just recently,and in my orbital flight in a few years... You can program your own subconscious mind. This is what we mean by autosuggestion. It simply means all self-administered suggestions and stimuli, which reach your mind through your five (arguably six) senses. The thoughts you give precedence to in your conscious mind, determine what gets filed for saving in your subconscious mind The perfect time to program your mind is when you are in an "Alpha"state. Alpha is the state of deep relaxation, the state you feel right before you drop off to sleep, or are gently waking up in the morning. You now can start programming your subconscious mind.

Best to do this in the form of affirmations.

#1 I am a happy and fulfilled person.
#2 Money is attracted to me like a magnet.
#3 I am a multi-millionaire.
#4 I am a Successful Investor.
#5 I will never give up mastering the quest for perpetual Financial Freedom.

Remember this: Your subconscious mind doesn't analyze or critique, it simply runs on autopilot, doing what it is programmed to do. These autosuggestion techniques allow you to choose the programmingyou want--which leads to the exact results you want to manifest!

**** This is powerful, and it works ****

Live with Passion and Dare to Dream


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