Everything is Energy!
You are energy, all around you is energy and therefore money is energy. Your thoughts and feelings are energy too. The Law of Attraction responds to energy so it MUST respond to you. The way to understand this is to realise that Thoughts & Feelings Become Things.
You are a thought-powered magnet!
Every moment you areattracting things via the signals you are transmitting through yourthoughts and feelings. Every moment of your life you are apowerful transmitting device beaming out all your thoughts and feelings into the universe. The Universe, as the intelligent energy field from which everything comes, responds accordingly.
Your thoughts and feelings are creating everything!
You are the prime cause of all the things and circumstances in your life whether they are good or bad. The Law of Attraction acts impartially to thought no matter what thought it might be! You can get what you want! Your thinking and your feelings are the cause and all you get in life is the effect. So to get what you want and stop getting what you don't want you have to gain more positive control of your thinking and feelings!
If you always think and feel the way you have always thought and felt, you will always attract what you've always attracted.
The Law of Attraction works to a simple formula! Once you know how it works you can begin to attract what you DO want and stopgetting what you DON'T want in your life. This is how to use the Law of Attraction to YOUR advantage. Placing your order with the Law of Attraction is a very simple and powerful process as follows:
Decide what you want.
Ask for what you want.
Believe that it is yours already.
Receive it with gratitude.
To become a powerful money magnet you need to follow these simple steps:
Be clear about the amount of money you want to receive and write down that amount.
State it, intend it and be ready to receive it.
Remember the four fold way the Law of Attraction works:
Fall in love with money! Have a good feeling about what having plenty of money means and can do for you and for those you care about. Being rich is not only okay, it is your RIGHT! Also remember that the creative power of the Universe is infinite and there is ALWAYS enough for everyone.
Visualize your wealthy self and imagine spending all the money you want, as though you have it already. Start a "Feel Good Folio" which is a nice big scrapbook that you fill with pictures and words about all the things you will own and do with the money when it arrives. Make lists of all the things you will buy and do with an abundance of money. Be confident that your wealth is your right so speak, act and think with the mindset of being wealthy now.
Be careful to eliminate thoughts and words of lack such as 'I can't afford it' or 'It is too expensive'. Do not speak or think of the lack of money for a single second. Develop a genuine gratitude for what you have. Be grateful for the money you have. Appreciate it as you touch it and know there is always enough of it.
Do what ever it takes for you to feel wealthy. Affirm to yourself every day that you have an abundance of money, and that it comes to you effortlessly.
You can tell yourself "I attract money frequently and easily" every day and MEAN it! Do not envy others who have wealth but appreciate all the riches around you, including the riches of others. Look for wealth wherever you go, and appreciate it. Be certain that money is coming to you frequently and easily and be happy when it does no matter what the amount. Remind yourself everyday that you are a money magnet, and ask yourself often during the day, am I attracting money now or pushing it away with my thoughts? Always, always pay yourself first from your wage, then pay your creditors. In that single act you are telling the Universe that you are worthy and deserving of more.
Love yourself and know that you are deserving and worthy of an abundance of money. Write out a cheque to yourself for the sum of money you would like to have and carry it around with you in your wallet or purse. Be sure to look at it often knowing that this money is on its way to you by the infallible Law of Attraction.
Do whatever it takes to feel good and celebrate every day of your life and all that it brings.
The emotions of joy and happiness are powerful money magnets.
Be happy now! Love yourself!
Remember: You create and maintain all the things and circumstances of your life moment to moment by the power and vibration of your thoughts and feelings. The Universe is a formless field of living and intelligent energy. Everything that IS, is energy. You are energy and your thoughts and feelings are energy. By having good and positive thoughts and good and positive feelings you send out a powerful energy signal into the universe which commands the Law of Attraction accordingly.
This infallible Law does not discriminate, it does not decide to act on some thoughts but ignore others; it simply turns thoughts and feelings into things. Whether the things it creates are good or bad rests entirely with the originator of the thoughts and feelings being acted upon.
YOU are responsible for YOUR life and all it contains.
You can make it wonderful if you choose to and use your knowledge of the Law of Attraction in a positive fashion. The choice, and the right, to be wealthy, happy and healthy is yours.
Stay Tuned For Part 2.